Monday, March 28, 2011

LGH / Grand Junction, CO

5 different planes in 6 days + 17 & 19 hour days + paint + editing + friends= One amazing week in Grand Junction, Colorado with Light Gives Heat!

Spent a week (not long enough) living in a 5 bedroom house with several amazing people while being surrounded by an epic landscape. Painted a 6x4ft piece for LGH in two days. Got to visit the main headquarters and see the entire LGH operation. Got to see the intense & powerful rough-cut of the film "MovingOn". Even got to give a few suggestions during the long editing process toward the film. Met some extremely friendly Grand Junction people. Got to see snow. Ate some yummy food. Hung out with 2 rad Hansow kids. Climbed & hiked up a beautiful mountain. Sat in the middle of a canyon and listened to everything & nothing.
Here is the complete time lapse video of the Mural I worked on. Thank you MovingOn & Light Gives Heat family. Enjoy...

Light Gives Heat Mural from Patrick Maxcy on Vimeo.

** See more behind the scene & traveling pictures from my trip on Flickr** Check it out here: *: Colorado Pictures *


  1. you are amazing. such an inspiration to me.

  2. Thank you for the kind words Mr. or Ms. "anonymous".
