Saturday, May 18, 2013

Nicaragua... Pt.1

I've been putting this write-up off for awhile. A write up about my experience once again in Nicaragua. I always feel these trips to different parts of the world are so hard to explain. They are like an amazing sunset, they can't exactly be captured the same way our own eyes can view it in person. The visuals, the smells, the feeling, & surroundings all play a part in the overwhelming experience.
 This trip I decided to be 'present' often. I turned on my phone only one time and only took about eight photos. I felt more present as if I lived there full time. So 95% of the images posted here were taken by friends. 
 Having some amazing & inspiring close friends to me on this trip made it more marvelous. Friends from various locations gathered together once again in Nicaragua to combine talents for other Nicaraguan friends. Getting together again and sharing insane laughter, heartfelt stories, late-night pranks, difficult times, tears, moments of silence, etc. All experiences that mean so much to me. Experiences that cannot be captured in writing.
 This trip I was able to run around more freely and laugh more. I never felt uneasy or fearful. There were times where I even painted alone for several hours in the street and never felt fearful. I felt like I was in the states but with more of the spanish language added in. And even that never stopped me from saying ridiculous things to people and making them laugh. Laughter is universal and I embraced that more. All of this was new and refreshing to feel.
^above: Panoramic view of old to new.
 The murals... I have said it before but painting in Nicaragua is one of the most difficult places to paint. Mainly due to the extreme temperatures and unforgiving brutal sun. You want to paint something amazing and over the top but the heat bears down on you non-stop through out the day. Still the people loved it and wanted more paintings around the community.

I have to give thanks to the men who prepped the walls. They were there chiseling down, smoothing out, adding concrete, watering, smoothing again. All just for us to paint on. That seemed pretty labor intensive and I thank them for that. --- More to come...

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