Wednesday, December 26, 2012

From canvas to customer...

I had an idea for a painting I wanted to do for awhile. I sketched out the idea in detail first. Planning out the layout. Process photos below.
 A friend of mine, David, shot a black bear awhile ago. I'm not personally into killing animals, but many of my friends do for food. So I photographed the amazing skull of the black bear. I had also photographed a very small owl a year or so ago. The two worked perfect together. I like how owls watch in the night over the forest floor and see everything the happens around them. Hence why I named this piece 'Guardian'. 
 Two days after I finished the painting it sold to David's wife, who purchased it as a Christmas gift for him. I love seeing the work once it reaches the clients hands and how happy they are. Thank you guys!
'Guardian' / by Patrick Maxcy / 11'x14'

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Drawing Series cont...

Awhile ago I started doing shaded & completed drawings again. These drawings are based on real people I know but told through a different life story. A story based on the lives of sea captains and old fisherman. I always use photos I have taken or friends have taken. 
The last drawing I did was based on a Native American from Pine Ridge Reservation. My good friend photographer, Brian Nevins, gave me access to a few photos from a recent trip to South Dakota to use. 
          Here is the drawing process for this image for my ongoing series...

Saturday, December 15, 2012

LGH Mural...

A couple weeks ago while out in Grand Junction, Colorado; I was asked to paint a new mural at the Light Gives Heat storefront. They wanted some lettering done pretty large near the front entrance. After doing a quick sketch I got started on the wall. About 5 hours later the wall was complete.
 They decided they liked the mural design so much it should be used for their upcoming winter line. After a new inked design was drawn up, hoodies & girls swoop necks were printed, and finally now being sold in the online store. (Not too many are left) The design has been showing up a lot, including a recent news report on Colorado's NBC news.
This was a fun break from what I normally do & I enjoyed it.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pine Ridge Reservation...

I recently went to the the Pine Ridge Native American Reservation in South Dakota for the 6th time. Went with the organization Love,Light,&Melody.  My goal this trip was to paint a 30ft x 10ft mural in a school hallway in Manderson aka 'Murderville'. It's known as one of the most dangerous areas on the reservation. 

During the first couple days we were invited to a Pow Wow. This was pretty big and I was honored to attend my first one. Hundred of kids dressed in amazing hand-made outfits and danced traditional dances in this competition. I really wasn't sure how they could tell who was the best with all the kids but it really was great to hear the men tribal singing and seeing all the dancing going on for quite some time.
 This was one of the largest groups of friends I've gone with.
 We visited our good friend Bernard's home where we got hang and have the usual jam session. Bernard finally got his shirt that I drew & designed for his fun band. 'Barney Fife & the One Bullet Band'. Some of the most amazing sunsets I've ever seen have been right from is little house and vast land.
 A couple days later I finally got started on the mural at the school. I wanted to incorporate native animals within the design. The school also had a basic idea/theme. Since it was for kids I kept it bring and fun.
 About 5hrs into painting the mural we got news of a major snow storm headed our way. Watching the weather carefully I had to start packing up the paints. Pretty bummed as I realized I might not be able to finish the wall. We slowly drove back to a safe shelter.
 The next morning the weather was 3 degrees but clear. So at 5:30am I headed back to the school and painted as fast as I could with the little time I had left to finish. (Below is a few detail and process photos.) The kids all loved the mural and were super excited to see it in their halls. Having them feel proud of their school and happy to see the mural makes it all worth it.