Monday, May 17, 2010

Colorado Bound.

As promised last week here, I'm sharing with you another great project I get to be involved with. This Saturday I'll flying out to Colorado to Paint a large mural and teach a few art classes with inner city youth in Denver.
The first two days my wife & I will be driving around and staying in the Rocky Mountains. Looking forward to seeing some amazing scenic views and some moose, rams, elk, and bears!
After that I'll be staying and working with Denver inner city youth, mainly at the Sun Valley Youth Center. This is a great center the works with kids and families in need in West Denver. I'm really looking forward to getting the kids involved in painting and just having an awesome time.
While I'm working on the mural my wife will also be working with the kids and familes. Helping with health and medical help related issues within Denver. The last day we're there will be a fun filled free concert and art filled/ field day with the public. This trip should be pretty amazing and full of surprises. Truley looking forward another great adventure!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Good news. My website has been fully designed and sent over to the web builder guy. So fingers crossed it should be up in June sometime! Really looking forward to seeing it all pieced together in an all new easy to use site!

I also just finished up a new somewhat odd tattoo design. If frogs could fly we'd all be in trouble... Watch the film "Magnolia".
fact: Most frogs can be frozen solid then thawed, and continue living.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

very soon.

Doing this & doing that. Big things very soon. I will explain more next week but for now the images below pretty much explain the gist of what's going on. Pretty excited!