Monday, April 26, 2010

Film shoot...

Last week I was given the opportunity to work on an upcoming TV show. I probably shouldn't give out all the details. But it's been a blast driving all around South Florida and helping out the production team with locations and shoots. I've been randomly taken a picture here and there. Here are several shots from just one of the long days of filming all around South Florida. There will be plenty more. Enjoy.

Be on the look out for more shots now and then over the next few months of filming production.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

"Don't take my picture"

I came across this great video this morning. I don't know how many of you have seen this yet, but it's pretty rad!
I think octopi are just the most amazing creatures & I love to draw and paint them. They're just extremely smart. Just for fun enjoy this video of the octopus that did not want his picture taken.

Watch it on YouTube here: YouTube Octopus

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sketching this week.

I have been doing quick little sketches & doodles a bunch this week. I wish more people did that. I feel like a kid everytime. It's just so relaxing to sit on my back porch and just draw whatever I see or comes to mind.
I rarely share my sketch books, but here are a few sketchs from this week. I also haven't drawn people in awhile, so I drew a friend of mine. Go doodle & share it with a friend. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

13 happenings.

Several random important & not so important things have been happening lately. In no particular order here are 13 things that have happened in my life in the last 2 weeks:

1. I sold my car.
2. My wife had heart surgery.
3. I found a dead manatee.
4. I'm working on an odd painting. 4 months now.
5. I started a piece for a "female form" show at Slow gallery.
6. I drove to Miami at least 6 times.
7. I saw my first crack pipe in real life.
8. My trip to Nicaragua has been posponed till next year.
9. A toy company told me a can't paint a Rubik's cube ever again.
10. I have a painting hanging at Bear&Bird Gallery.
11. I have 3 pieces hanging at C. Emerson Gallery.
12. I got a discount on clothes just for being nice.
13. I have a new website that will be up by June 2010.