KeyWest trip from Patrick Maxcy on Vimeo.
Burrito Mural time lapse from Patrick Maxcy on Vimeo.
Miami Art Basel show! "Multiversal" group show. Dec 3-6th.
I am pretty excited about this show. Art Basel is one of the biggest art events in the United States. Some amazing artists will be on display as well. Including Tara McPherson, Buffmonster, Mear One, etc. Live art, Live music, food, art everywhere. www.multiversalgroupshow.com
I have been working on a lot of new work in preperation for my "Above & Below" show coming up in November. New work no one has seen yet is the key. Visual eye candy be provided as I take over the entire space.
I have so much in store for this show and have been putting in a lot of time & effort for this show.
Hope to see you guys November 14 & 15th.
I have a ton of pictures from my amazing week in Flagler Beach during the Tommy Tant. I will be posting those soon.
Thanks to all you who stopped by Hollingsworth Gallery for the "Fright Nite" art show this past weekend. This weekend, Oct 17, I will be showing a piece at the Bear&Bird Gallery in Lauderhill, FL. Stop by and check out all the halloween inspired work. So much art will be on display, should be a great and creepy time for all.
Tommy Tant 2009 Invite from Tommy Tant Memorial Surf Classic on Vimeo.